Decisions, crossing fingers, and hoping for best –

I made a decision early on in the summer that I would not take any honey from the bees this first year. I have heard that this is the way to go, and even if it weren’t I think I would still let the honey be.

Being new at this, and still without a mentor, I am pretty much flying by the seat of my pants. I heard on the news that this winter is supposed to be particularly cold again. Hopefully, the little colony will have more than enough honey to survive till spring, if the chilling cold, the heavy rain, wind or possible snow doesn’t get them.

About two weeks ago I went out to check on the hive (just looking, not touching!) and was surprised and concerned to find that the grass seemed to be crawling with bees. Bees that looked dazed and confused! Upon closer inspection I found that they were all drones. Oh oh! It would appear that the boys have been banished from the hive. Checking with several other people this seems to be happening in other areas too. Do the bees know something that we don’t? I am thinking….yes. Cold is coming. Long cold winter. Big stores of honey needed. So I think I have made the right decision. And, if I didn’t? Well, I made it with the best intentions for Bodacea and the Babees.

Here’s wishing all of us luck.

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